Saturday, January 22, 2005



Double happiness!

First thing, I got promoted to Warrant Officer today! Yeah!

My BB life journey has been very long, been what? 10 years? Yeah. And I've absolutely no regrets joining the BB. And to think I almost joined the Scouts! Not that I've got something against them, but my mom asked me not to join 'cos of their weird baseball cap. Heheh.

Oh, and secondly, I've found a seller for his MT-2! Yeah! So I'm gonna meet him tomorrow 3pm @ Clementi MRT. Hurray.


Yup, and I've fixed my blog. Something happened to it, right Amenda? :)

And I've removed the music from my blog. Getting annoying.

There's an F4 outing to Sentosa tomorrow. Hopefully I'll be in time for it after my transaction.

Had a very nice long nap just now. It's been a long long time since I've had such a nice nap. So yeah, good day today.

Nothing more to add, time for gaming!



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