Sunday, August 27, 2006


Today was awesome. Had a great time in church, had a great time with the class today. After lessons we all went for luncheon at Holland V (as usual) and I went out with a few of them to Orchard, to talk a stroll. I realised that it had been like a couple of months since I've been to Orchard. And to think while I was in BMT we went there every week.

So we went to Heeren, we got the stuff we wanted. I finally got myself a new wallet too.

Went home, slacked. And slacked. Had dinner, and here I am, making a quick post before I go back to camp.

This week will be work till Thursday, then we'll book out in the evening, 'cos Friday's battalion anniversary, and we're supposed to go Kallang River in the wee hours in the morning to have a dragon boat competition. Heh.

I live in Jurong.

Okay, so hopefully the coming week's good, and I guess I'll see the rest of you on Tuesday night, hopefully.

So there, done.


Saturday, August 26, 2006



Full 11-a-side field soccer @ tanglin secondary school. And we won! Photos soon.

We get to hold the trophy for 1 year.

Oh yeah! And I think I saw a girl from JJC in tanglin too.

Friday, August 25, 2006

i've built these walls come get to me.

We had a great time at Sentosa today. The entire branch came. Luckily almost all of us could drive; even more lucky that we had 4 cars today.

We played beach soccer, beach volleyball, canoed, more volleyball, tanning, and the likes. One of them tried to pick up 2 bikini babes, but to no avail. Like, duh.

The weird thing was that like around 11am, it poured really really heavily. And it was frigging cold. Then like half an hour later, it suddenly stopped pouring and the sun suddenly came out. Weird.

We met at 9.15am, ended around 6pm. So needless to say, all of us got chaotar-ed really badly. I foresee punishment by slapping the shoulders in the coming days.

Tomorrow, back to BB.

Next week, jam. Not free this week, as some of us gotta run AHM. So see you.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

tiberium wars

You know, today was a great day. Had a course at Stagmont camp. was basically quite slack. It was supposed to be an introductory course to OpenOffice, some rival to Microsoft Office, of which we have been so used to.

After course, I went home, played DOTA, and usual stuff. Telly, and more computer gaming.

On my way home, I got approached TWICE by those pesky people from god-knows-where 'persuading' people to adopt their 3% interest per annum plan. I've been approached a grand total of 5 times this month. And each time (except for the first), I told them 'I'm not interested', but the thing is that they don't seem to understand that 3 words, and they just have to ask me again. What pissed me off was the attitude of those pesky people.

2nd time (it was at a nearby MRT station)

Lady: Hi, are you a student?
Me: Err no I'm an NSF, but I've heard this before. Sorry, I'm not interested.
Guy who is beside Lady: Really? NSF? From where one?
Me: Armour camp.
Lady: So are you free?
Me: No, I said I'm not interested. Thank you.
Lady: Eh, bu yao jiang ma (don't be like that)
(at this moment I nearly puked at her tone. it sounded like some girl trying to act cute.)
Me: No thank you, bye.
Lady: Bu yao jiang la!

And so I walked away.


I can't believe I have to endure another round when I book out on Thursday night. Absolutely detesting.

Okay, that's my rant. Off to camp soon.

Have a nice night!

Monday, August 21, 2006



So I'll be leaving house around 11.30am, that's about 1 1/2 hour from now.

It's quite refreshing, I have only been at home in the morning with everyone either at work or in school for a couple times since I've enlisted. Before enlisting (and after 'A's) we would still be sleeping right now. Then in the afternoon we would all go out, have lunch, take photos, dinner, play lan, supper, go home. In that order almost everyday. And how different our lives are from each other now!

Life's okay right now, but what concerns me is when my upperstudy officially lets me take over. I've done that a couple times now when he's on leave, and sometimes I get quite lost, not knowing what to do, or how to do. It's not like studying, you just flip open a book and start mugging mindlessly. It's unique, in a way that you try to solve problems which you haven't encountered before and (hopefully) you do it right. That feeling of lost is irritating, very irritating if I might add, but I guess it's part of being outside your comfort zone.

Okay, enough rambling. It's probably the Monday blues. Argh don't we all hate Mondays!

Okay, 15 minutes have gone by, and I'm gonna end my post here.

I'll probably be able to book out at 9pm tonight, so I guess I see you guys then.


Sunday, August 20, 2006

yeah, yeah yeah!


Haven't booked in, 'cos we've half day! Whoopie!

So I'll be working like half day tomorrow, then booking out in the afternoon, 'cos I'll be having the course which was cancelled a few weeks back. So Monday and Tuesday will be gone like that. Wednesday's a normal working day, Thursday's a normal working day, but we get to book out in the evening and Friday's cohesion day!

So like, we work 2 1/2 day this week. Sounds great!

After church today (we ate at nydc as a form of farewell to one of the leaders), I went home and found out that nobody was at home. And I left my bunch of keys in camp, so basically I got locked out. So I gathered everyone (yuhua khien winson) for a lan session over @ lanlab @ bukit timah. Reached home bout 8pm, had dinner. Practised Paul Baloche's Hosanna and Because of Your Love. The instructional video that's included in the album's helping out loads. So yeh. Great.

So I'll see you tomorrow morning, probably an update before I head back to camp.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

like how i learnt.


Morning was spent in Church. For BB core leader's meeting. It dawned on me that I haven't been going back to serve often.

Afternoon was spent trying out songs by Paul Baloche, bought his cd on the way back from church. CD's cool, they added instructional videos and chord charts for all the songs on the album. So Paul Baloche actually teaches you the songs himself. Cool huh!

After like 2 hours of playing, dad decided to let me try out the family car. We (dad mum and i) drove to Tuas and he taught me the works of the car. Real different from the cars at BBDC. I had to take some time before I got used to it. Of course, I was kinda nervous. If I had crashed or scraped some paint off, I'd be banned from driving forever I guess!

Back to Baloche, seeya!

Thursday, August 17, 2006

slip road never check blind spot ah!

Hello world.

And I passed! Oh yeah, oh joyful I be now. 12 points, if you have to know. Luckily it's all minor mistakes.

At least my 2 days of leave aren't wasted!

Okay, I bought pandan cake for the branch back at camp (they requested it) so we can celebrate with Keat Hong water and pandan cake! I'm stoked!

Oh yeah, tomorrow will be a fast day, cos we'll be going to East Coast (yet again) for our 12/16km run. So it's technically half day in the office tomorrow. Heh! And Saturday would be church/jamming/JJC. In that order. Next Friday, we'll have our cohesion day. Basically it's an official excuse to get out of camp. We'll be going to Sentosa, I think. That Sunday, it'd be AHM. Hopefully it'd be fast, and since we'll end up at the Padang, you should know where we're going next. Hint: Esplanade, then lan gaming @ Peninsular Plaza.

That's it, that's my plan for the rest and, the next week.

I'll be heading off to camp soon, probably after dinner. So I'll see you guys.


Wednesday, August 16, 2006



In about a few hours time I'd be taking my driving test. Pass or fail, it doesn't matter. Of course, I'd like to pass, heh!

So I'm on leave today (Wed) and tomorrow (Thurs). Kinda nice to be able to have some form of freedom to do something. Refreshing, I'd say.

I'm planning to wake up darn early later to maybe go for a jog, or watch TV. Hehe.

Okay, incoherent post this is.

I'll update when I wake up later. Seeya.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

'make a clean getaway', he said.


Quite a fun weekend. Saturday was spent at driving school, shopping at Bras Besah for my acoustic-electric, and then lan session at Peninsular Plaza.

Got another (and hopefully last) guitar. Bought an el-cheapo for $132. Yum. It'd most probably be permanently hooked onto my amp, since it sounds better like that as compared to playing it by itself.

Lan was fun. We played the usual Swat4, tried out Battle for Middle Earth 2, then finished off with Battlefield2. Thrashed 5 players with our 3 for a few many rounds.

Today's church was usual. Great thing was that I 'm startign to warm up to the sec3s, and they're starting to warm up to me. It's taking quite a while, but of course, the laughter with them's priceless.

Yuhua's gonna have free days off from Tuesday till Sunday, what the heck! I'm only out on Wed and Thurs, and that's cos I'm applying leave. Argh.

Hopefully the week will be great. And I pass my driving test. Heh.

Okay, will prolly reach camp in an hours' time. I guess I'll end here, see you all on Tuesday night, if not Wednesday morning.


Friday, August 11, 2006

we're back.


Finally good ol' Friday again. :)

Nothing much happened this week, except my course got CANCELLED. I was so looking forward to coming home last night. Oh well. Spent the night reading my book and watching TV. A usual night in camp, I daresay.

Next Wed and Thurs I'd be taking leave. I hope I pass!

Soccer tournament tomorrow. It's the Ephraim Cup once again! Captain says we'll have a darn good chance tomorrow. Let's hope then.

Will be driving again tomorrow, after that I'll be heading to Swee Lee or Davis to get my acoustic-electric. If mum allows, I'd keep my classical. If not I'd just donate it to charity. With new strings of course.

After much waiting ('We'll start after you guys finish BMT!') and discussing, we'll be jamming next week. Probably in town or Bukit Timah. Songs would be Emery - Walls, a couple of Funeral For A Friend songs, including one I've been trying to learn the past few days, Roses For The Dead. Maybe we'll do a couple of MCS and The Ataris as well. Woopie! I can't wait.

Okay, packed week. Which is good, as it'd mean the weeks will past quite fast. I hope.

Will be bringing my FM2n along with me tomorrow. I'll finish the film inside, hopefully. It's been 3 months.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

national day!


Today is National Day, the day we gained independance!

For most people, the poignant moment of it all was when then Prime Minister Mr Lee Kuan Yew shed tears on national television. For some, it'd be the public holiday we've been waiting for!

Oh yeah!

So I booked in last night. Played Titan Quest (finally finished it), played somemore, and played some more.

Woke up at 12pm just now. Will be booking in at 2230hrs later.

Great thing is, I'll be on course on Friday, so I'll be home again tomorrow night. After the course, hopefully I'll be able to come back home and have a long weekend!

Next weeks' my driving test, I'll be on leave Wednesday and Thursday. Then next Friday, it'd be another East Coast Park run. Yay!

Looks like this month would be event-filled.

We had our Brigade RSM change-of-appointment ceremony two days ago. It was held at night, outside the Specs Mess. So naturally we couldn't go. But since it was outside, we could hear and see what was happening. The great thing was that The UneXpected, the local band playing at Wala Wala bar (think Holland V) on Thursdays, came down to have an acoustic gig, woohoo! Bad thing was, there were also some girls who were clad only micro shorts and bikini tops who started gyrating in between songs. Werd. Luckily we were playing soccer at the street soccer court. Distracted only by music.

Okay, half the day is gone, hopefully the rest of the week would be great and such. We start jamming next week.


Tuesday, August 08, 2006



today we woke up damn early, we assembled at 6.45am, had a National Day parade. After that we were hoping for an announcement for half day. The bubble burst when Sergeant said area cleaning inspection at 1600hrs. Argh!

So we booked out at around 1800hrs. Had dinner with the branch and here I am at home.

I bought a new book (The Time Traveler's Wife) and a new CD (favourites2). Oh yeah.

But for now, gaming time!

Saturday, August 05, 2006

you down twenty first!


This week went by pretty well. Nothing much happened, except that I finally got my own ISAC card (which means I have my own user account on the PCs in camp), and my camp pass (which means no more harassing from the guard duty personnel whenever I book in/out). Cool.

Today we had our AHM (Army Half Marathon) training at East Coast Park. I didn't run, cos I'm excused PT (heh heh). Instead, I became a marshal. Yep. Bad thing was, we couldn't fall out from there, like the rest of the battalion. Instead we had to take the 5-tonner back to camp to unload and send in our stores.

It was a pretty cool experience sitting on the extreme end of the tonner. Especially when you're gonna travel on public roads. I got to see a myraid of expressions from people who went passed us. Foreigners peering curiously from taxis; a dad pointing toward our direction for their son (looked like a 1 year old) to look at; the occasional babe in a cab/sports car. But it got boring after a while- it felt more like in an enclosure where people examine you, rather than the other way round.

Anyway, we got back to camp safely, albeit shagged. We left camp at 8.30pm. Had dinner at Lot1, then headed home. Then here I am, after resting and continuing on my campaign on Titan Quest.

I'll be having my driving lesson tomorrow. Haven't been driving for a near 3 months already. My test will be on the 17th of August. And I'll only have 4 practices.
