Sunday, September 26, 2004

Maybe, Someday, Somehow.

Hello again.

Yesterday we played soccer 7 a side in Marina South. Trained for a few months for it. BUT I had a sprain on my right ankle, and I had my mock-promos for math which clashed with the timing for the match, so I only played one match. The math paper was still alright, I haven't marked it yet, hope I pass.

After the test, I shared a cab with Winson to Marina Bay. He had his BB team and his own U-19 team too. By the time I reached there, we had only one match left. We had already lost 1 and drew 2 matches. So I played the last match and we won! However, we still couldn't qualify. We drwe with Winson's team, who had thrashed a team 8-0 in 10 min. Coal.

So we were out. We also sent 2 U-16 teams. 1 didn't qualify, the other team got 3rd! The 3rd-4th placing match we played against Winson's U-16 team. kekeke.

I bought a kite + string for $2.50 after we got kicked out. I haven't flew a kite since Primary School! Zuriel joined me, had some fun. We extended the string till all the thread was used up. Damn fun, had some trouble trying to fly without clashing with other people's kites. After everything ended and the rest of the boys wanted to go home, we cut the string and it flew away. Hehehe.

Today I woke up at about 11am? Yeah around there. Missed service again. Sigh.

Apple and YiFei came and play at our house again. They're still here, at this point in typing. We'll be meeting their parents for dinner at No Signboard Restaurant later at 7pm. Which is in 5.30pm.

Gotta study tonight too.


Friday, September 24, 2004


Why hello again.

Today, I stayed back in school till 9pm to do my revision for tomorrow's mock promos. And I'm gonna fail. Yep. Accompanying me was Yulin, Suxian, Yee Sim and one more girl whose name I still don't know ;( .Sorry. Okay, so Yulin and Yee Sim came back to JJ to study. Suxian is a math genius. She knows how to do the questions I ask her. keke. Okay, so I did my September revision paper. Other than that, today was pretty much the same.

Tomorrow, I'll be having my mock promo paper *horrors* and my MUCH anticipated soccer tournament. Yep, I've been training for this for a few months now, and I HAVE A DAMN INJJURY!! I don't care I'm gonna play tomorrow. The most I'll get injured again and I'll do my promos in crutches. :(

My mom is allowing me to get a new pair of spectacles, the current one I'm using will be used as my sports specs. The other (which I think would be frameless) would be used for normal activities. :D

Okay, lets pray and hope that everything turns out well tomorrow, from my math paper to my soccer match!

Tudos, time for World War II.

What to do, it's a friday. :D

Wednesday, September 22, 2004


Why hello!!!!

What an important day today is. It's the day I 'finally' remove my braces!! Yup, after 2 years of wearing them, it's time to take them off! Why is finally between inverted commas? Cos I'm not sure if I'll be happier with them on or off. I've been wearing them for so long, it's become a part of me. I've already gotten used to them!

Okay, started the school as per normal sans shoes. Wore sandals, of course. After that Mr Tan released us early at 12.30pm. Ate my lunch and headed towards Outram Park for my National Dental Centre. Met my mom there. Had to, cos I was afraid to carry 500buxxors around. Hehehe. Okay, so the dentists removed my braces, polished and did an x-ray on my teeth. Gonna collect my retainer next week. I forgot how to brush my teeth the normal way now, and I don't know how to smile too! :D

Okay, after that went POSB with my mother via cab. We opened an account for me. :D

On the way there, we saw a 'traffic policeman' that wore a t-shirt bearing ' HOSTAGE NEGOTIATING TEAM'. Cool huh?

Okay, so I be at home slacking, while I'm supposed to study. Study study study. Okay, I be studying now. Goodbye to you.

Have a jolly day :)

Sunday, September 19, 2004

Injury madness.

Why hello there.

Started off yesterday officiating for FaithActs captain's ball match. All in all good fun, but it was open for secondary school kids only. Saw a few babes tho'. The people at FaithActs are good people. :D

One of our BB/GB teams clinched 2nd place, winning 200 moolah worth of shopping vouchers. We (the officials) played our own match and we won the rest! Hurrah! During one of the matches, I got hit by the captain's ball and my specs bent badly. I had to play and officiate the rest of the matches technically blind. There were 59 matches all in all! Reached Delta complex at about 11am then left at about 5-6pm. But it was cool, got my specs fixed and all but it's still a little crooked.


Today I woke up late for my Bible study (again!) and missed youth service again. Woke up, fried my scrambled eggs and pizza and hash brown, then went to meet the rest of the boys for soccer practice. Quite okay, but halfway during training LESTER QUEK KIM SONG tackled me hard and I was down. Got back up, continued playing again. After that, LESTER QUEK KIM SONG again tackled me. The pain was excruciating. After that, I wanted to meet my sister so that we can go Jurong Point to get meself an ankle guard. But she said my mother suggested that we go to the doctor. So the three of us (mother,elder sis, me) went to Raffles Medical Centre. Turned out that my ankle was sprained and he gave me TWO WEEKS OF NON-PE. And my soccer tournament is next Saturday!! Doesn't that mean all my practice and trainings have come to nought!! HOPEFULLY (yep, hopefully) my ankle will recover and I'll be able to play next Saturday. I have to!

Oh yes, I almost forgot, I got a weird dream again. Isn't it weird when dream of the same dream?

I was playing with my younger brother in the living room when I lit a dynamite. Yep, a dynamite. Then er, my dad went near the dynamite. I told him that there will be a loud bang when the fuse was finished. But my dad continued walking towards it. After that, the dynamite didn't explode. Something that looked like a dynamite spinned up towards the ceiling behind the sofa. Then, beautiful fireworks exploded into the horizon. It was at night, by the way. After the fireworks finished exploding, a few (prolly 15) helicopters flew into our estate and near our balcony window. Someone say "Time to hide!" or something like that and the curtains were drawn. Then I saw something like a syringe thrown into our window. SUBTITLES (that's right folks, SUBTITLES!) in Chinese said something about a poison needle. I can't read you know!

Then someone in an oxygen tank and helmet came in. I killed him somehow, then 2 more came in. I took the dead man's pistol and shot at one. That person died immediately. After that I re-cocked my pistol and tried to shoot the other guy. Which idiot only puts one bullet into his magazine? After that I took the other guy's pistol and shot the 3rd person. Green blood came out. I took like 5 shots to kill him. There was peace, for awhile. I found 2 people running out from our bedroom. Yep. They had two shotguns. Subtitles said that they didn't have a lot of bullets to spare. After that I reloaded one of their shotgun and more helicopters came in. I pumped bullets into them and they all died. That was the end of my dream. Funny, isn't it?

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Happy Birthday!

Good evening!

Today, I officially turn 17!

Yup, today's the big day, my birthday! All in all a radical cool event. One that happens annually.

Got my present from the class early. I got a hp tag that had my name on it. Had normal lessons and did PW over at Winson's house.

Five minutes into his house, I stepped on his dog's urine. So I took it off and went to wash my leg. When I came out, the dog had my sock in his mouth. From then on, the sock stayed in his mouth. Didn't want to get back my sock afterward. It had a hole in it too, so I didn't really mind if the dog ate it or something. Watched some anime which name I have forgotten, played with his massage chair, then started doing PW. Hopefully it's better than the first draft. Coal. Okay.

Went home and had dinner. Then cut the cake. Nice presents. Sister bought for me a ClimaCool t shirt, parents got me a Zen Touch. Little brother got me 2 bags of chips. :) Me loves them much much.

Yup. Today's my grandfather's birthday too. We share the same birthday. Ain't that cool? To think I was his birthday present 17 years ago. Something a few people can boast about. :D

Tomorrow we'll be having a surprise dinner for my grandfather at Serangoon Gardens. So I have to chiong back home. Friday we'll be having the mooncake festival thing over in school. So all my nights are packed. :)

On a more serious note, I haven't started revising for my promos yet. I'm so dead. I have to start somewhere, somehow! It's difficult, trying to start my revision despite the high pile of homework I get everyday.

Wish me luck. But it's my birthday, so who's complaining? :D

Have fun yall. Much love all around.

Monday, September 13, 2004

The senses within.

Why, sorry about not updating as regularly. Busy busy busy.

Today will be a fast entry, and I'm off to do my math homework before he rings up my house again. Sigh.

O well, Okay. Saurday. Didn't go BB, but *tried* to study. Finished the 6 GP tasks I was assigned to. Then went to Yum Cha for my birthday dinner. Early dinner, tho' birthday wasn't supposed to happen till 4 days later. Have a little something to share on my birthday. We ate with the two baby girls from my sister's childcare centre. They had a little sleepover too.


OVERSLEPT. Didn't go to church. I woke up at like 1pm, 1 hour before I was supposed to meet my BB friends for a soccer match against Grace Methodist Church. Match was alright, challenging I should say. We were up against those 20plus years old, while my team consisted mostly of sec2s and sec3s. Lost 5-3, but offside goals were aplenty for them. Good job boys. After that went to meet Val and passed her my BB Cambodia trip application form so she can fax it over. Woohoo, I'm going to Cambodia :) Ate at a chicken rice stall near her place. Damn, chicken rice sucked. Badly. :(

Went home and tried to finish off my homework. Then Mr Lee called. Woah, haha. Chased me for one of my assignment. Coal. I had difficulty doing most of the questions.


Kinda cleared up everything, homework-wise. Slept from 5.30pm to 7pm, then from 8pm to 9pm. Yep, damn tired. Now gotta start doing my homework. Sian.


They should bloody abolish the damn thing, it's taking up too much of our time.

Okay. Kudos to you, and have a nice night.
You can jack into my playlist, the Monday Blues are on.

Friday, September 10, 2004


Why, how nice of you to join me.

Just came back from Jin Yi's barbeque. Quite ok. Took a couple of pictures which I will post once I get it from Yannick.

Nothing much, gotta finish my homework. Endless supply of it. Tomorrow I'll finish my Physics. What holiday is this when you don't even have time to have a holiday, spending it all on homework and studies. Makes no difference from school days innit?

O well. That's the education system in Singapore for you.

Short post today, I'm beat.

It's the weekend folks, cheers.

Monday, September 06, 2004



Didn't update so regularly these few days, busy. Missed me, dincha?


Holy smoke. Morning went to Fei Yue Family Centre to pick up the kids. Fun overall. Slacked over @ Bontanical Gardens. Went to Kulai, Malaysia after that to have dinner with my grandparents. Hehe. Oh yeah, after that we went IOI mall to grab some DVDs. I bought like 15 plus? Yep. After that, heh, on the way home, got CAUGHT at Singapore customs. Wtf. Some woman (LCP, I noticed) spot checked my mom's handbag and we got caught. She requested for my dad's passport and escorted him to some room. We were all frigging nervous and all. Heh, you should have seen us. I prayed and prayed. Hard. Anyway, after what seemed like hours (actually only 15 min), my dad came out of the room CLUTCHING HIS PASSPORT AND DVDS. Coal! God answered my prayers! On the way home, Dad told us that they actually ALLOW pirated cds. 6 pieces per person, luckily we had 5 in the family. Hehe. Spent the night watching DVDs.


Went to church in the morning. After that Ser Guan and I went to West Mall to play arcade and eat lunch. KFC. Haven't had that in awhile. Went to meet the boys over at Bukit Batok MRT at 2pm. Played soccer at West Coast. I'm playing Centre Back / Last Man for Wesley Cup. Oh yeah, Hong Wei came back! After Sispec, he got transferred to OCS! Not bad sia! Now he'll become a 2nd lieutanent instead of the Sergeant he wanted. Hehe! Next time when I enter army he *might* be my platoon commander. he got transferred to OCS because he was the top trainee in the Sispec. Wowee!


Woke up at around 10+. Played DOD. Watched my dvds! Hehe. Then parents came back from work (they applied leave) and took us to Safti MI. I didn't want to go at first but boy was it an enriching experience. I played with weapons (SAR21 and M16 w/ nade launcher). Played with sniper rifles. Wowow. Single bolt action is hot man! Reminds me of KAR98. I lovee that WWII weapon. Doubles as a sniper weapon when you add a scope to it. Heh. Bought a mini swiss army knife for only $6.90. Mom got me and my brother a T-shirt. My brother also bought a large swiss army for $8.90. Couldn't go to the live firing range where we could fire an MG, SAR21 and M16 cos it was raining. :( Called Hong Wei, he was in his bunk slacking. Preparing for his mission in Tekong tomorrow. Sigh, don't know if I will enjoy army life or not. I'll really learn lots of things. I've always wanted to be a sniper. Frigging coal. Guy there said that those with 200 degrees and below and must be *medically fit*. My eyesight is 400 on both sides but he also said that if I wore contact lenses or if I'm good in other areas, they would consider me even though my eyesight is more than 400. Nice. Heh.

Tomorrow, I have to see Mr Lee for his math make-up lecture and Mr Tan's computing lesson. Oh well. Sian. Then the new Chinese teacher is coming by tomorrow. Other students say they hate her. She's from China, and she can't speak English. Man. There's bound to be a communication breakdown tomorrow man! My Chinese tuition teacher told me that the student would scold her in English and she would smile and nod it off, cos she don't understand! Haha! Funny. I hope she doesn't get lost tomorrow. Sigh.

My Cambodia trip is more or less confirmed. It's from 2nd - 18th of December. But my family is planning a holiday to Bangkok till the 5th of Dec, so it's a clash. Basket! Hopefully everything will be settled and I'll go. I want to go! I've been waiting for almost one year already!

Wordy post today. Took me exactly 20 minutes to type it all out

Peace be with you. Much love all around.

Saturday, September 04, 2004

Maybe you'd understand.

Why hello there.

Nothin much happened today, just regular schooling.

CT gave us back our PW draft report. He said it was totally hilarious. Oh well.

Lin did not come back today!! Argh!! Was looking forward to it. She said Jasmine didn't come to school today so she won't be coming :( .

I asked Khairuldin to join me in our school's mooncake festival. Basket, Chinese pupils have to pay $5 for the ticket but Non-Chinese don't have to pay anything. :(


So after school I went home to sleep. From 4pm to 11pm. Mom bought Ramly burger for me. Kekeke. Yummay. That was my dinner.

Tomorrow, I'll be going over to Fei Yue Family Centre @ Bukit Batok to bring the kids to Hillgrove. We'll be taking them on a 20 car rally ride all over SG to visit places of interest. The rest of the boys will be going to Botanical Gardens to set up a buffet/picnic or something. Only 20 Boys, 20 Girls and 20 kids will be on the 20 car ride thing. 1 per car plus a driver. Yummay. Can't wait. Hopefully I'll sleep (well) tonight.

Oh yes, the September Holidays are here! Cheers!

Have a wonderful weekend.

Thursday, September 02, 2004


Hello once again.

Just came back from slacking in front of the computer.

Few hours ago just got nagging about my grades. I really have to buck up, or face the wrath of my dreaded ex-tutor. Heh.

Oh well.

Tomorrow's Friday, so who's complaining eh? :D Finally. Hopefully Lin will keep her promise and come back to JJ. Maybe she forgot all bout it and she's going town or something. Oh well, tomorrow's Friday, so who's complaining eh? I'm bored. BTW, just changed musak to my PERSONAL FAVOURITE BAND, Dream Theater! It's a song called Hollow Years. I think I'll go find their music. Geez. I just remembered about a shop. It sells really old music and has a really olden day feel to it. They sell lots of metal songs. Metallica, Black Sabbath, ++. But the problem is that they are in LD format. So I don't know if that shop was actually one from my dream or one that I actually went! I think if it IS a real shop, it should be in Plaza Singapura. Maybe it was just another recollection/flashback from a dream. Weird. Goddammit. I hate it! Its bugging me.

Back to the topic. There's a shop called Sembawang in Lot1. (Yep, don't ask!) I bought a 1992 Eric Clapton CD, Unplugged. Yep. 1992. So hopefully I'll find a 1999 Scene from a Memory OR 1994's AWAKE. If I can't find any, I'll get 2003's Train Of Thought. FFFRRRIICICKCKKKINNGG coal band. Seriously. Coal. Ich Liebe Erotomania and Fatal Tragedy! :D

But if I can't find ALL of them, tomorrow's Friday, so who's complaining? :D

Have a nice night yall.

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Happy Teachers' Day!

Bored. Totally.

Just finished doing my Applications of Differentiation tutorial. Tried rather.. to a pathetic end.

Mr Lee hasn't even finished teaching us and he wants us to do them! Whatever in the world is that?!

Oh well, at least I have LOTS of questions to ask him tomorrow, so he'll stop telling us to "treat me like jokers even though I act like one". Weird.

Woke up at 10.20am today. Went to Lakeside Family Centre to return my officer his carrom board. Had a competition last sat. But damn, Carthage won. My ex-squad. Heh. Went home and played DOD. Then slept from 3pm to 5.20pm. What a weeeirddd dream I had. First, I dreamt that I dreamt a dream. Then, I dreamt that I told my friend about the dream that I dreamt. That dream was weird. Something about treasure hunting around an island that looked like Sentosa and having to dodge arrows from a "one in a million" Legolas-like spider. Really out of this world. Then something about a cave/temple filled with Hieroglyphics(spelling?) and more running away from something. Damn. Why can't we remember our dreams?

I hate school. I detest it. I should give myself a kick in the balls for not studying hard last year. Or maybe I should have gone the poly route. RP is kickass. :(

Oh well, I suppose I'm still having fun with the krew @ JJ.

Things to look forward to? Lots.

1. Lin's coming back to JJ this Friday, she wants to learn mass dance.
2. Birthday's coming!
3. Oh shit, I forgot what no3 was supposed to be.
4. Oh I remember now, removing braces on the 26th of September!
5. September holiday. (Hurray!)
6. Happy Teachers' Day!

Things not to look forward to:

1. Promos coming!
2. Have to go BACK to school during September holidays for extra lessons. (WTF!)
3. 5-day week. (2nd WTF! If Hillgrove decides to put BB on a weekday, wtf, goodbye. I don't have to go for BB anymoar.)
4. Tomorrow.
5. Friday.

Much love all around. Have a nice night yall.